Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Our First Week in Switzerland!

Our First Week in Switzerland!

Weve now been here for over a week and its been a blur!  The first several days were especially a blur, since we all were still suffering from jetlag and kind of just walking around in a sleepy haze!  The second night we were here we put Carter down for bed around 10:30pm and he was really confusing, asking us "why isnt the sun out still?" since his body was telling him it was still daytime! And just in case you were wondering, since so many of my friends have asked, the time difference is 6 hours ahead of East Coast time.

Time change aside, we are slowly settling into place and get used to things.  We are in temporary housing, so we wont be getting too used to it because we will be moving into a more permanent place soon!  Heres a few things that have been going on this week!

Just around the corner from our temp apartment is this cute playground!  If youre a parent you probably immediately noticed the ropes around the platform are all that is keeping the children from falling off the side!  Although this was very scary to us at first, it hasnt been an issue so far and I have seen no children fall or even come close to falling off the side!  Carter is much more interested in steering the "pirate" ship and piling rocks on the slide.  Every Friday they have a free play program where they set out all kinds of art supplies, toys and games for the kids to play with!

My new favorite discovery!  They have single serving iced coffees and lattes available in stores all over the place!  Perfect for an afternoon treat.  I was happy to find my favorite Starbucks flavor, plus the other brands are pretty good as well!

We went hiking the first weekend we were here and Carter had his first gondola ride!  By hiking I mean we took the gondola up the mountain, walked about 100 feet and Carter started yelling "pick me up! pick me up!"  We convinced him to keep walking until we hit the playground, which is where we spent the rest of the trip!  He was very nervous when we first went on the gondola and kept repeating "Im not scared, this is fun" to convince himself! (sorry the pic is blurry, its hard to get a 3 year old to hold still sometimes!)

The playground had a swing that you put money in and it went around and around!  Carter was scared at first, but then braved it to go again and after that he just wanted to go on the swing!  We met another family with a kid his age so they had a lot of fun playing together and dancing around to the band at the nearby restaurant.

Found this in the grocery store and I thought it was kind of funny.  Because every good kids party needs some raspberry flavored kids prosecco!

Our biggest fail so far has been trying to find apple juice.  First, my husband went to the store and bought something he thought was apple juice, which I can only descirbe as maybe looking like a Mexican soda bottle.  Then, we bought apfelsaft, which IS apple juice, but we didnt read the bottle correctly to learn that it was "fizzante" and Carter was not impressed with the bubbles in his apple juice.  Finally we figured it out and now we know just what to look for!

So thats a little bit of whats been going on here in our first week!  Weve also been house hunting, to the wilderness park, the Expat Expo and more!  Ill post about some of the activities and places weve been to seperatlely so I dont have one big long post!

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