Saturday, August 4, 2018
Reupload Clive Sands Witchi Tai To In A Dream
Reupload Clive Sands Witchi Tai To In A Dream

Label: Snb
Year of Release: 1969
It was then covered by counter-culture figures Brewer and Shipley, then somehow gained the attention of major league pop impresario Simon Napier Bell in the UK who decided to produce this slick version of it for the British market. This was fronted by the mysterious Clive Sands who was, in actual fact, Peter Sarstedts less successful brother. This version of "Witchi Tai To" has picked up abuse from some quarters for being too poppy and inferior to the original, but I happen to think its wonderful. With an arrangement that increasingly swells as the song progresses and an almost hymnal organ underneath, its no bastardisation of Peppers intentions, just another brilliant piece of summery late sixties pop. Where the original occasionally verges towards the pious, this is the sound of blissed out glee, almost explosively happy - even the needle damage on my copy cant destroy its intentions. That its been almost completely overlooked since its release is surprising - a recent compilation focussing on the output of Napier Bells SNB label completely ignored it.
The flip "In A Dream" is rather more traditional popsike fare, but is also sweet in its own way.
Clive Sarstedt later changed his name to Robin Sarstedt - presumably to confuse people researching blog entries years in the future - and had a hit in the UK with "My Resistance Is Low" in 1976. For my money, however, this flop is far, far better than that track, and its certainly a notch or two above his brothers "Where Do You Go To My Lovely".