Saturday, June 30, 2018

OpenEXR for Premiere is Free

OpenEXR for Premiere is Free

Adobe has released an update to Adobe Premiere CC 2015 that includes something relevant to this blog: an OpenEXR plug-in. This is actually the same plug-in that has been a part of ProEXR for the past three years, and it is now free to all. (It runs in Media Encoder too.) Updating your CC 2015 is the easiest way to get it, but for those of you still using older versions of Premiere youll find a free copy in the standard ProEXR download, replacing the old non-free one. The price of the remaining ProEXR plug-ins has dropped to $50.

Like the After Effects plug-ins before it, Ive made the Premiere plug-in open source on GitHub.

As a refresher, the following plug-ins are free in ProEXR:
  • ProEXR EZ for Photoshop
  • OpenEXR, EXtractoR, IDentifier plug-ins for After Effects
  • OpenEXR for Premiere
  • ProEXR Comp Creator for After Effects (part of ProEXR AE)
The following ProEXR features require a license:
  • ProEXR for Photoshop (read/write layered EXR files)
  • ProEXR AE (write layered EXR files out of After Effects)
  • VRimg support (part of ProEXR for Photoshop and ProEXR AE)

visit link download