Tuesday, June 12, 2018

RECOVERY TWRP Recovery for Micromax A44 Punk

RECOVERY TWRP Recovery for Micromax A44 Punk

[RECOVERY] TWRP Recovery for Micromax A44 Punk

Now after releasing COT & CWM RECOVERIES, I am Back with this new TWRP recovery Only for micromax A44 Punk.

few days back we had issues of Recovery, Rooting and custom ROM. Now we have all those.

I have also released ROM that has removed the Low memory issue completely.

CHeck the blog for those Custom Roms and recoveries and other Micromax A44 Developments.

Now, Coming back to TWRP...

What is TWRP?

Every Body is familiar with CWM but very les people know about COT and TWRP, Well TWRP stands for "Team Win Recovery Projects". Rest You can google :P

How To Install:

Well the installation is simple and there is no harm in it, follow the steps below carefully:

1. Download SP Flash Tool from Link Below,
2. Also Download The TWRP zip file from link below,
3. extrat SP flash tool and the TWRP zip, the TWRP zip Contains the scatter file required during the download process.
4. Now open the sp flash tool folder and run the program,
5. Load the scatter file, If both scatter and recovery.img is in the same folder the img file will be loaded automatically,
6. switch off your mobile and remove the battery.
7. Put the battery back to the device but dont power on th device yet.
8. click Download button on the sp flash tool program,
9 you will see a countdown showing connect device ins XX seconds.
10. Simply connect the phone and let the program do rest of the job.
11. Do not touch any button or power on the device let the program run.
12. Now you will see and yellow progress bar and a window will open showing Downlaod success, also a green circle will appear,
13. Now remove the usb cable and power on the device.
14. Enter into recovery by using Power + Vol up.

Done!! :P

Download Links:
Sp Flash Tool: http://www.mediafire.com/?5f1igdn3r2z73r3
Recovery + scatter: http://www.mediafire.com/?ntfcsy26v79s8yr

Please comment below if you facing any problem :)

I have tested it and found no issues .....

visit link download