Thursday, June 7, 2018

Revamping the goals new cell phone and I did some scary shit!

Revamping the goals new cell phone and I did some scary shit!

Ive been perusing Pinterest for craft ideas, d.i.y. projects, and art Id like to get for the house. This is one of those "oooo, pretty, maybe, yes?" pieces that Ive been ogling and strangely enough it kind of fits with something we talked about in class: shielding. Those who are familiar with chakras will see the color and probably get where my head went in regards to correlation. But enough about that and on to the rest. 

I finally have a new cell phone! I told my Dad to take me off the family plan and then told him about the deal Metro PCS is running. Id really wanted to stay with T-mobile, Ive been with them since high school but they just cost too much. Amanda had been grandfathered in on a cheaper plan from when she started 10 years ago, and adding me would have taken her out of that and jacked up her rate over double. However, Metro had a get 2 phones and two line plan with a data cap for 60 dollars. They did have the same deal with unlimited data for 80 dollars, but we dont use that much data. I mean, on my Dads family plan that had him, my mom, and me, we never even touched the 2 gig mark. So, yeah, new phone, new number, decent rate, and I can actually use apps on it! Speaking of which, I had to remove the planetary times app (I was curious how that all worked) when it went off and scared the crap out of me. 

Ive had to revamp my goals list. There is an assignment for school in which I need to make 12 goals, 1 for each astrological sign, and plant seeds to watch them grow. I didnt have 12 goals and more importantly they didnt all fit into the type of goals for each sign. Redoing them was relatively easy but I am going to have to find another avenue of planting them. I know the idea is to watch them grow/develop throughout the year, but anything I plant will have to be started inside and well, I have three determined and crafty cats in the house who like to get into things. The watching them part will just have to be through my own observations, which I think I can handle. When I get done with my "planting" part, Ill probably post the new goals as another form of "planting" which I like to think is also accountability. 

So, I did some scary shit recently. We are apparently supposed to lead at least one devotional before we can progress to the next grade level. I had been thinking about possibly volunteering, but I had been under them impression that it was only an upper classmen sort of role until the devo lead popped into one of my classes and was looking for volunteers. Well, I was interviewed and approved, added to the devo lead list, given all the scripts to practice, and shown how to do all the technical stuff. No one is leading tomorrow morning... or rather they werent and now I am. And I signed up for all the Wednesdays beginning in late March. I dont know if I am going to do any in the evening or not, I kind of want evenings with Amanda as much as possible since before I started school, Id already felt like I didnt get enough face to face time with her.  We will see. As of right now, Im hoping I dont over sleep. I hope I get enough sleep and I hope I dont mess up. Those who show up for morning devotional will hear me though the computer, its kind of scary.  

Following that, I also sent off an e-mail tonight to someone who handles I guess the editing and writing stuff for the pagan online magazine. Scholarship students can apparently do their service hours doing stuff in that regard. But, even if I dont get approved for any of that, I at least want to see if I can submit some pagan geared short stories and or poems. That in and of itself is stepping out of my comfort zone. 

Okay, the cats are fussing that its way passed bedtime and I need to get Miss Snorealax to bed. Amanda is sleeping on the guest bed here in the office, waiting for me to finish up for the night.

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