Sunday, July 29, 2018

Oreo update

Oreo update

Ive always loved my S8, until the last update. Nothing works correctly and from everything Im reading we cant rollback to an earlier version. I have my phone set for fingerprint sign-on, with home as a recognized area so I dont have to fingerprint in all the time. That no longer works, so either I have to remove fingerprinting or use it every single friggin time. I never get voicemail notifications now. I cannot get my kindle app to sync with my kindle anymore. My email, fb, etc. dont show the counts of notifications anymore. I hate my phone and its all because of this update. Has anyone found any way around all of this or a way to rollback? Or know if a "fix" is coming soon? Im almost at the point of factory reset and then dont update it at all if that would even work. TIA.

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