Friday, July 27, 2018

Read OpenOffice SpreadSheet ods

Read OpenOffice SpreadSheet ods

Moving Ahead

We are going to learn about an open source API called jOpenDocument. In this post, we will write a simple java class to read an openOffice Spreadsheet(ods) file.

A Brief Idea

jOpenDocument is a free java library for reading and manipulating the openOffice documents. You can use jOpenDocument to generate dynamic documents from Java, XML, or databases.You can  display and print files with built-in viewers. jOpenDocument API can be used for splitting , concatenating, and manipulating the pages and to automate filling out of templates.

A Snippet

This is the sample class for reading the .ods file data.


import org.jopendocument.dom.spreadsheet.MutableCell;
import org.jopendocument.dom.spreadsheet.Sheet;
import org.jopendocument.dom.spreadsheet.SpreadSheet;

public class ODSReader {
      public void readODS(File file)
        Sheet sheet;
        try {
             //Getting the 0th sheet for manipulation| pass sheet name as string
             sheet = SpreadSheet.createFromFile(file).getSheet(0);
             //Get row count and column count
             int nColCount = sheet.getColumnCount();
             int nRowCount = sheet.getRowCount();

             System.out.println("Rows :"+nRowCount);
             System.out.println("Cols :"+nColCount);
             //Iterating through each row of the selected sheet
             MutableCell cell = null;
             for(int nRowIndex = 0; nRowIndex < nRowCount; nRowIndex++)
               //Iterating through each column
               int nColIndex = 0;
               for( ;nColIndex < nColCount; nColIndex++)
                 cell = sheet.getCellAt(nColIndex, nRowIndex);
                 System.out.print(cell.getValue()+ " ");

            } catch (IOException e) {
      public static void main(String[] args) {
            //Creating File object of .ods file
            File file = new File("D:TestDatatest.ods");
            ODSReader objODSReader = new ODSReader();

To find the answers of these question, you can read the jOpenDocument documentation .

Download API : Click here

In our next post, we will learn about template and how to use it.

visit link download